Friday, July 2, 2010

That better be Friday, people!

Half way through the year.

I've read 31 books. That's pretty pathetic for me. Ah well. Averages to about 5 per month and I can't be too upset about that with all that's going on.

My top five books of the year thus far are:

HERESY by SJ Parris. Tip of the top for me. Great historical atmosphere and I've said it as well as others, this is a great fill in while waiting for CJ Sansom.

BROKEN by Karin Slaughter. This surprises me but Will Trent is a great character. Dr. Sara has always been a little bit irritating and Lena needs to be killed off but Will is terrific.

STILL LIFE by Louise Penny. This book is standing in for the series. This was a good discovery of the year for me. I don't know why I didn't try them before everything has it's time. Nice characters, traditional crime solving, and the author's prose rings.

After this I sort of struggled because I enjoyed all my reads but a lot are continuing in next in series for me so I like the series and I've read a few by the same author they just don't stand out as exceptional, I just like 'em. But these perhaps stand out as well done by authors I'm continuing to read.

FANTASY IN DEATH by JD Robb. Love the series, read each and every one. This one was intriguing with a sort of locked door mystery.

REVENGER by Rory Clements. The main character doesn't really need to named Shakespeare and is not true to history but there it is. The setting is my favorite, I love court intrigue/espionage and the religious conflict of the time.

I've listed two as disappointments so far in the year. I could probably add a third.

EGGSECUTIVE ORDERS by Julie Hyzy. The strength in this series is the White House kitchen setting and the author took the main action out of it. And the main character is getting irritating in the amateur sleuth way of *needing* to solve a crime when professionals are handling it thank you very much.

SHOOT TO THRILL by PJ Tracy. After a long break for whatever reason, the book was just flat, needed editing, needed more a story. Just .... so disappointing.

PASSION by Lisa Valdez. Not a mystery; a romance. And this one is labeled a "scorcher" for a reason ... and was the reason I stuck it out. Hot sex scenes. Storyline ... not so much.

The Ariana Franklin was somewhat of a disappointment because of the cliffhanger ending. Don't like that.
Long weekend!! Woo hoo!
Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster


pattinase (abbott) said...

Louise Penny is quite a talent.

PK the Bookeemonster said...

I've been very pleased and I have to eke out my reading of her books to only one per month because otherwise I don't want to leave that world. :)