Thursday, June 16, 2011

Almost Friday. Oh yeah.

While walking the dogs, we most often take a detour through the park/field where I can let them off leash so they can run for a bit. It is really just an overgrown field with park status. The mosquitos were bad today. I felt like a walking smorgasbord.

Steve is off coaching a gun class this evening. I'm going to have some dinner and then read I think. My brain is tired. At work, things are coming together in my training of all the systems used but there are still gaps and by the end of the day my brain just doesn't want to work hard anymore. So I'm having a half glass of wine, cleaning out emails. I don't have time to really read them now that will probably happen this weekend.

The rain didn't start until about ten minutes after we got back from our walk this evening. Bwa hahaha! I wonder if that means Steve will be coming home early? They will probably move inside.

I picked up a 14-day book from the library today so I don't know if I should abandon the Finder that I'm halfway through or go full speed ahead on it. The new book is the new Sara Poole, THE BORGIA BETRAYAL.

I've been running errands on my breaks. Tomorrow I only have a half hour lunch so I don't know what I can get done but at least most of the big stuff is accomplished.

Okay, going to eat my dinner now. The boys are snoozing at my feet. I hate to move and disturb them but oh well.

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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