Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nerd Alert: This is from a great movie....

Oh boy, another quick one. I'm just driving people away.

At work I was basically doing the job I was hired for: taking calls and calling out. I'm slower than the vets but I was feeling more comfortable. I don't know all the details but I am able to ask the vets for help when needed.

Steve got home before I did and walked the dogs which was nice. As I was making dinner I noticed my ankle was swelling for a reason I can't fathom. So I'm going to finish here and then read and elevate it. Maybe it's the heat -- it got up to 90 today. I dunno. I may have drowned the cold that was trying to happen. I'm not feeling it anymore. So that's a good thing.

I went to the library on my lunch and picked up the first Stephanie Pintoff book and another one I can't name right now. The last name starts with a W. Anyhoo...

Steve is watching gun shows and I'm going to elevate. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I probably won't post because I'm meeting friends from Unemployment after work at Tiny's. TGIF!

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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