Monday, April 2, 2012

This is probably the 21st century version ... everything's updated

Gotta be quick tonight. I have to make dinner somewhat early -- my show is on tonight, The Voice, and I have to watch it upstairs because Steve doesn't like it. :) I talked to like 7000 people today so I'm not in a chatty mood and I'm just plain worn out.

Last night Ryker must have touched the electric wire. He came in yelping and ears back and needed cuddling from both Mama and Daddy. I don't know how he was today out there. I don't think he was trying to get out; I think he just brushed too closely.

Today was apparently Ditch Burning Day by our nearest farmers. They were still working on the field where we walk after work. The boys were smart enough not to go near. However, Coda ran off across the big ditch after something and wasn't responding to me calling him back. As soon as he came back, on the leash he went. I doubt he figured out the bad behavior/consequence of it. Sometimes, he's not too smart.

Last night, The Killing was a little difficult in the beginning to remember who some of the extra characters were and what was going on but picked up. Yeah, I will at least watch it I think. The Game of Thrones was good but needed to remind Steve who was who again (this is based on an epic EPIC fantasy novel with dozens of characters and multiple settings). Plus, this being based on the second novel of the series, a whole new set of characters/setting was added and I had to explain how they all fit. I may have to re-read this book. It's been too long since I've read them (13 years?) so some it is hazy.

Ok, gotta go. Have a lovely evening.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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