Thursday, June 14, 2012

Coda & Ryker would deny everything.

I’m currently reading AN UNMARKED GRAVE by Charles Todd. This is 4th of 4 in series featuring Bess Crawford, a British army nurse in WWI. Here is a summary:

In the spring of 1918, the Spanish flu epidemic spreads, killing millions of soldiers and civilians across the globe. Overwhelmed by the constant flow of wounded soldiers coming from the French front, battlefield nurse Bess Crawford must now contend with hundreds of influenza patients as well. However, war and disease are not the only killers to strike. Bess discovers, concealed among the dead waiting for burial, the body of an officer who has been murdered. Though she is devoted to all her patients, this soldier's death touches her deeply. Not only did the man serve in her father's former regiment, he was also a family friend. Before she can report the terrible news, Bess falls ill, the latest victim of the flu. By the time she recovers, the murdered officer has been buried, and the only other person who saw the body has hanged himself. Or did he? Working her father's connections in the military, Bess begins to piece together what little evidence she can find to unmask the elusive killer and see justice served. 

It was published in 2012 and has 272 pages. This is a library book. And for some reason I’ve jumped to this one without reading the third book in the series. Doh. I’m also reading Glenn Beck’s COWARDS which is very good.

Steve has gun class coaching tonight and then again on Saturday. The boys and I will hang out. Last night for dinner I had some left over lasagna. Ryker – who usually shuns anything but meat and cheese (even peanut butter!) – was ALL OVER me to lick the plate and pan. BARKED at me to be done. Holy moley. We’ve seen him make some moves similar to a cat – does he have some Garfield in him too?

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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