Sunday, September 9, 2012

Don't mess with my weekend

I love Sundays during Fall. Football! It just FEELS more like Sunday with football games going.

I spent a lot of time today cleaning up emails and posting to Facebook. I've read some more in WHY NATIONS FAIL. Islamists, do you really want to know why your countries are so far behind others? You can blame it on your own Ottoman Empire and Gutenberg. It did everything in its power to maintain control (absolutist type of government) by not letting Gutenberg and his movable type printing press into their society until the 1700s and even then kept strict censorship on it until the First World War. The rest of the world had it around 1439. With it came a literate populace and sharing of innovation. Every country/empire/civilization that failed to thrive was because of a ruler/ruling class that protected its control. Every time.

We're having hamburger/rice balls for dinner and the Steelers are playing Denver. I probably won't stay to watch the whole thing. We had take out for dinner Friday and last night so we're having homemade tonight.

I received an email confirming that the JD Robb is on its way and will be here Tuesday. Tomorrow night and Tuesday (and for the next several weeks) I will be found in front of the TV.... The Voice starts up again!  Woot and double woot! I know, I know, but it's a guilty pleasure. It's about the only thing I'm looking forward to in Fall TV. Man, I remember it used to be so exciting to get the Fall Season Preview TV Guide when I was a kid. Now? TV? Yeah, pretty much "meh." I'd rather read.

Back at work again tomorrow. And so we start over.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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