Sunday, September 2, 2012

No, Mr Bond, I expect you to die. (quickly, without delay)

Guess who mowed the lawn this afternoon. Yeah, me. After fourteen years of marriage, I caved. I just hated having the worst looking lawn in the neighborhood even though I had said Steve had to have SOME chores around the house. He just wouldn't do it.

I finished reading MR CHURCHILL'S SECRETARY. It was all right. It was strong on atmosphere but light on actual mystery solving. I'll probably give the second a chance. Sometimes first books are mostly set up of the situation.

Next up in reading, getting back to the other 14-day digital loan from the library, WHY NATIONS FAIL. This is my third go at it. It's facinating but dense reading, plus it comes in around the 500+ page mark if I remember right.

I'm glad we have tomorrow off. Just one more day is just ... nice.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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