Tuesday, October 23, 2012

No, Goldie, it's not

Tuesday. Took a lot of calls at work; still training the new temp. Steve walked the dogs after work -- an incredible and wonderful surprise. I'll be watching The Voice and then maybe read.

The debate went well last night; see my opinion in the previous post. It is difficult to believe that we're down to the final two weeks. I have mixed feelings. I love politics, yes. And I believe this is the most important election for president since Lincoln because of what is at stake. I believe Mitt Romney will win big. Truly and I'm taking the day off to witness it. My mixed feelings are about a fear I have about the fraud that will be attempted on the other side. But, you know, I truly believe Obama does not enjoy the job. He loves the perks and being a celebrity, oh hell yes. But the responsibilities and duties? No. He will enjoy much more being a FORMER president. He will be a celeb the rest of his life because of this. And he will have a nice pension for the rest of his days.

Start enjoying them in January 2013.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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