Saturday, November 2, 2013

For each of us

We Need Some Fun 

Sorry, guys. I'll figure out a better schedule here eventually.

I made it through the first week working for my husband. Some ups, some downs. Gotta think long haul.

I ran errands today: went to the library to pick up a hold, Petsmart, and Walmart for groceries then visited M&D and siblings. Very nice. 

I still have to do the vacuuming but I've got laundry going now. Steve is visiting his dad in the hospital; things have taken a turn for the worse today.

I finished the Roberts book on Thursday. Oh, yeah, Thursday was Halloween. We had THREE trick-or-treaters. There are so many kid/family events going on now plus all the houses to the east of us were dark so I'm thinking they skipped even going down our section of road. Maybe next year we won't do candy but Steve says no. I'm sure it has something to do with the left over bags of Snickers, Reeses and Butterfingers.

Reading-wise, I'm almost finished with the Elizabeth Moon. Next up, I've got a couple other digital loans from the library. I don't have a new release until the following week unless one I've got a hold on shakes loose but the library isn't very quick lately on those things so I'm not holding my breath.

I'm hoping tomorrow I can catch up on the news. I miss that a lot. 

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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