Sunday, November 3, 2013

Or because it's brighter this morning than usual?

Waking Up Can be Ruff

I actually like the time change in Fall and not just for the extra hour of sleep. Now when I walk the dogs at 6:30, I won't have to wear a headlamp, hope that when cars pass they see us, and think that it's still the middle of night because it's so dark. And I don't mind earlier, darker evenings; again I like the cuddly snuggle-y feeling of hunkering down and reading. Yes, I'm strange and I know it.

Tonight we have The Walking Dead and then Talking Dead to watch.

I finished the Elizabeth Moon book last night. Two more to go in that series. Luckily they're available to digital loan via the library.

Currently reading on the my Kindle now via digital loan, and in my interest of young adult dystopian stories, I've got DELIRIUM, the first of a trilogy by Lauren Oliver. Here is a description:
Amor Deliria Nervosa. Every single man, woman, and child lives in fear of contracting this deadly disease. Every aspect of society has been restructured around this idea. The government's authority and control is total including gender segregation, media censorship, and brainwashing indoctrination. Delirium is about a futuristic dystopian world where love is considered a dangerous disease. To rid the mind of affection and love, everyone, upon reaching their 18th birthday, must undergo a brain procedure known as "the cure". They will then be paired with a spouse chosen by the government. Lena Haloway is an outcast because of this procedure. Her mother illegally kept the ability to love within herself, and chose to jump off a cliff instead of letting scientists take away that gift. Feeling like her actions would compensate for her mother's disgraceful act, Lena cannot wait for her procedure to arrive. But that was before she did the unacceptable: she fell in love. Now she must decide: will she live the rest of her life in a unloving oblivion? Or will she run?

Published in 2011, it has 400 pages. Again, this type of book is trying to capitalize on THE HUNGER GAMES. It's an interesting concept, this labeling love a disease, so I'm willing to give it a try and it will be a quick read.

Steve has a truck to unload this morning so he's heading down the shop. I'm hoping it won't take too long because Steelers game that will be shown this afternoon on TV. [I'm a Steelers fan by marriage]. Otherwise, I've got laundry and stuff to do.

Have a lovely!

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster 

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