Thursday, April 3, 2014

There had better be noms

This Line Hasn't Moved for an Hour!

My Kindle read is ENTER A MURDERER by Ngaio Marsh. This is 2nd of 32 in series featuring Roderick Alleyn, second son of a baronet and police inspector in London. Here is a description:
Alleyn is invited to the theatre by journalist friend, Nigel Bathgate.  Bathgate knows one of the principal characters, in this case the leading man, Felix Gardener. During the play, Gardener is supposed to pretend to shoot Arthur Surbonadier, fellow actor, nephew of the theatre owner, disgruntled loser of the leading part and rival for the hand of leading lady, Stephanie Vaughan. However, the gun goes off for real and both Alleyn and Bathgate watch fiction become reality as the body slumps to the stage.

Published in 1935, it has 210 pages. This is a digital loan from the library.  

The sun was shining today; it will be starting to warm up now for the foreseeable forecast. 

Nothing on TV so I think I will be reading tonight. Steve has finally started to read DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth.

I am usually very good at remembering authors/books. For some reason, I absolutely could not remember the name of the author of a book I was trying to recall. I knew it was set in New York, the main character was a female headhunter of stock brokers and had been a former dancer, I remembered the book I was trying to bring up was the last of the series and had been written several years after the previous book and the main character had amnesia in the first part of the story. I even looked through my little black book of everything I've read since 2000 to try to jog my memory because I knew it was in there but it didn't jump out at me. It was driving me absolutely crazy. Then a couple days ago I was looking at, in the "M's" and it suddenly jarred loose that the author's last name started with an "M" and finally got to: Annette Meyers. The book was called HEDGING and I just reread it. 

This weekend I'm hoping we can go see Captain America: The Winter Soldier movie. The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode on Tuesday will have direct bearing from the movie. 

All right, off you go.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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