Friday, June 19, 2009


Well, the doctor was right when he said it would get worse today. The infection redness and swelling has spread. But the good news is that my temp is gone and I don't have the constant pain when I lay down. I have HUGE pain when I sit up or try to walk. Oy. I've never given birth so I don't have that to compare to but this is, I think, the worse pain I've felt. I don't recommend getting an infection/cellulitis. The worse thing is hopping/hobbling the ten feet to the bathroom -- painful and takes up so much energy. Uff da. Otherwise, I don't go anywhere. Poor Tug didn't get a walk yesterday because Steve had to help teach a gun class right after work. I'm hoping he will walk him after work today.

Unfortunately, Steve is of the "just throw some dirt on it" tribe so this isn't his shining moment. But maybe he'll appreciate what I do around here, eh?

I haven't read yet much. Yesterday I slept and stared at the tv off and on. Today I've been catching up on the Internet and I do have a couple DVDs that I love and haven't watched in years that I may pop in later: The Scarlett Pimpernel and Ivanhoe -- both with Anthony Andrews. Love love love them. And I've been saving them, I guess, for just such a time. And there's a nap or two in my future. I'm stuck here in bed for a couple more days and my concentration will return so I'll probably get to reading again.

Tonight is a new episode of Say Yes to the Dress.

Stay healthy, people.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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