Thursday, May 22, 2014

Loading sneeze ... 76% complete ....

Oy vey. Allergies are kicking my butt today. I've doubled the Zyrtek and I'm still miserable. What can you do though? It's the AIR.

On Kindle, I've got the new Imogen Robertson, THEFT OF LIFE. This is 5th of 5 in series featuring Harriet Westerman, mistress of Caveley Park manor, and anatomist Gabriel Crowther, in the 1780s, in West Sussex, England. Here is a description:
London, 1785. When the body of a West Indies planter is found pegged out in the grounds of St Paul's, suspicion falls on one of the victim's former slaves, who was found with his watch on the London streets. As Harriet and Crowther begin investigate, however, they find the answer is not that simple. Together, they negotiate the interests of the British government, the secrets of the plantation owners, and a network of alliances stretching across the Atlantic. And they must confront the uncomfortable truth that some people are willing to do great evil when they believe their cause to be just.
Published May 2014 in the UK, it has 352 pages. Not published yet in the US but for some reason -- and highly unusually -- the Kindle version is available here and now. I'll take advantage of that. 

I managed to stay awake to watch Motive last night and I'm so glad I did. I don't know what it is about that show that just clicks for me -- the excellent casting, the unique storytelling style --  it is a good show. Tonight, nothing that I'm aware of  is really worth watching so I hope I can do some reading.

Here's a fun link:

17 hilarious things that happen when you force kids to go shopping…

In the 80s today. Yuck.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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