Wednesday, February 22, 2023

I'm not going out there

 Wednesday. Winter is back. Very very cold.


 I didn't win anything in the ticket draw last night.

 Not at all. Per usual. Tonight I have another live YouTube drawing to watch for purchasing jewelry rather than beads from that shop in the last month and not as many people do so therefore my odds are better.


 Today is the first day of Lent. I'll be participating in the 40 days of prayer on Hallow dot com. It's technically a Catholic website but that doesn't really matter, I think it's a nice thing to do.


Today is also Day One of The 100 Day Project.

My intention/goal is to create a writing habit following this book:


This inspiring guide will be your push, your deadline, and your spark to finally, without excuses, and in three short months, nail that first draft of your novel. The difference between wanna-be writers and real writers is the difference between talk and work. If you commit to the schedule and the techniques within 90 Days to Your Novel and invest two to three hours a day for twelve weeks, you will complete your book. An outline will appear. Characters will take shape. A plot will emerge. Scenes will come together and form a story worth reading. And then the talking can begin!

 Published 2010; 288 pages.

I've brought my tablet with keyboard to work with me so I can set aside time at lunch. I'm hoping I can still keep the evenings mostly for reading. I don't want to give that up at this point.

Stay warm and safe out there.

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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