Thursday, February 16, 2023

Where are you, weekend?



I DNFd the Rhys Bowen. And I think I'm stopping at the same place that I stopped before. 


 I was reading it for the scavenger hunt "purple on the cover". I have too many other books otherwise to read than to make this one happen for a made up thing if it's not grabbing me. I've got to stop doing that. I've got to use the new book things I'm finding as resources of new potential reads and not fall into a false "trying to impress" thing.


 Speaking of that, I've got a couple holds from the LV library to add to the possibilities list.


 Tonight we have BattleBots -- which I haven't really been watching much this time around so not a big deal if I don't watch it again tonight -- and I have a reading sprint starting at 5pm with the cozy reading group.

 Feed Ryker and Steve, read, go to bed for tomorrow is Friday.

Have a good day

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster 

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