Thursday, October 7, 2010

Friday Eve

You're probably tired of seeing the same book on the side that I'm reading. Me too. I have got to finish it this weekend. I have simply not had time to read anything in the past couple weeks except for a couple pages before bed. Grrr. At this rate I may just have one book read for the month. Inconceivable! And I can't even tell you the size of my TBR, it's just disgusting.

Well, I've got some kind of stomach bug. I thought it may have gone away after last night but it lingers. Steve may have it too from some of his texts this afternoon. It's nothing debilitating, just grumbly insides and being tired. Better now than next week, in my estimation.

So tonight, with nothing on tv for me, except that I've still not watched the taping of Rubicon from Sunday, I may be able to read a little before sleep. Sleep is sounding very attractive though.

It's so hot today. 82 degrees .... in October for heaven's sake. That's just wrong. I want Autumn. I was promised Autumn. Bah.

TGIF tomorrow. And glad of it other than it is the last day of work for a very nice c0-worker. And it's a 3-day weekend for some people (government employees). Would have been for me other than I have to have the entire week off for my temporary position and then starting all over the week after that. It would have worked out so much better for me if the 3-day-er were next weekend so I could have a day of rest after the trip. How inconvenient. :)

Okay, off you go now.

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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