Monday, May 23, 2011

Back from the land of rain to ... the land of rain...hey!

We got back last night from Puerto Rico. Our flight was delayed from Denver to Billings so we didn't land until 12:30am. We got to bed at 1:30-2am. We've been on Eastern Standard Time so it was really 3:30-4am to our systems. Tired. I HATE flying. I'm not joking or exaggerating when I say that I get motion sick on hammocks, ferheavenssake. Why haven't we improved on this model in a gabillion years? The flight between Philly and Denver hit bad turbulence which -- I didn't throw up -- but it messed up my insides so I was feeling just awful for the rest of the trip.

Puerto Rico was humid and rainy. The resort was lavish and spread out. I'll tell you more tomorrow. It's getting on 9pm now. I've been unpacking, doing laundry, vacuuming, etc. Trying to recover/rest for work tomorrow.

The dogs did okay but acted up a bit. Chewed up some books and a spot on the couch. They've not done that with us before so I'm wondering what was going on in their heads. I'm sure they were feeling abandoned after having us for little over a week and then we were gone for almost a week. They got into the neighbor's (fenced) yard once and played with Clara. But it looks like the fences held to the outside world.

I'll be talking to one of the supervisors tomorrow about maybe taking Thursday/Friday off since Lisa and family will be in town only those two days. It's not like I'm a permanent employee staying for the long haul. I'm a temp short-timer with sick time to use.

Steve went to do coaching at the gun club for their Monday night group. I finished the Nora Roberts book I left behind. I'm ready for sleeping now. :)

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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