Saturday, November 10, 2012

It's a party. Or not.

Didn't do much birthday today. I helped Steve do his stuff, mostly. He needed to drop a truck off for new tires so it was more helpful to have a second driver along. Then he had to drop off some scrap, and then we had lunch at Jakes (no reubans on Saturdays!), made a quick stop at Best Buy but they didn't have the DVDs I was looking for and Steve got a case for cellphone, then picked up the truck and got oil changes on it and Steve's truck. By then it was 3 and I was tired and needing a nap so I nixed going to the James Bond movie and opted to go home.

He's feeling a little under the weather so it's fend for yourself night for dinner. I haven't figured out what yet but I did just have some apple crisp. Dessert first, right? Nothing on TV so I think I'll just read tonight.

I'm currently reading SMOKE IN THE WIND by Peter Tremayne.This is 11th of 23 in series featuring Sister Fidelma, a 7th century Celtic sister and legal advocate in Kildare, Ireland. Here is a description:

Journeying to visit the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Sister Fidelma and her companion Eadulf's ship is blown badly off course and the pair find themselves on the coast of the Welsh kingdom of Dyfe. Hosted by the king himself, Fidelma is presented with a mystery-an entire monastic community nearby has disappeared without a trace.
It was published in 2001 and has 336 pages.
Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster 

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