Thursday, November 29, 2012

Reason # 11 why I have dogs

I'm glad to say that Steve went home after an hour at work because he wasn't feeling well. This is a minor miracle. So he napped and walked the dogs. Fantastic!

Tonight we'll have dinner in front the tv per usual and then I may either read -- because I'd like to finish this Kennedy book -- or jump on the office computer.

I'm very glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm hoping it will go quickly and easily. I had a guy on the phone today tell me while he was complaining about the service he received at the ER that he wasn't a doctor but he had read a lot. Riiiiight. I wasn't quick enough to think of saying "...but you stayed at a Holiday Inn?" or "... but you've watched a lot of TV?" Ah, missed opportunities.

Dinner is about ready. The boys have been fed and are dozing for their evening nap before bedtime.

Have a lovely evening

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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