Sunday, December 28, 2008

A new face

I'm doing a bit of online housekeeping here. Just needed to shake things up a bit and make this more exciting for me as well as anyone who happens by. Don't know if there is anyone besides my mom, checking on how my days are going. So there's a new look to the overall page for a while -- until I feel like changing things again.

You will see more lists along the side. I'm an info junkie and come across all kinds of interesting places as I click around the Web. So, I am having a daily website/blog find. And I'll be collecting ones in different categories I like along the way.

Not much going on in terms of the job hunt. Only 14 listings in the local paper under Professional and many were not in this town. (sigh) After the New Year it will get better, I'm thinking.

So just the usual today. Hope to get more time reading.

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