Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ice Ice Baby

~ O ~

Today's Alphabet of Historical Mysteries is the letter "O" (I feel like Sesame Street suddenly), but I do not have any authors to present. There are a very small handful listed at but they are not authors I've read or are interested in so there won't be a post today but instead of going on to "P" (which has many authors) I'll just acknowlege the letter and not list anything.

We had a little skiff of snow this morning blow through but it has stopped now. I'm still contemplating asking Steve to walk Tug today just to have a day off from the duty. Maybe. He sleeps in pretty late on Sundays and Tug gets insistant around 11.

We watched the DVD of The Hurt Locker last night. This is a movie that has been and continues to be up for many awards. Tonight it will be competing in the BAFTAs (UK) and again for the Academy Awards (against the monolith of Avatar). It was a very powerful little film and I hope it is the underdog to beat Avatar. However, in regard to the Oscars, I believe Jeremy Renner will win Best Actor as its "reward" and not Best Picture. Those are always so political. We'll see. Anyway, a good film, set in Iraq in 2004 and follows a team of explosive demolition specialists. The main message is that war is a drug (per the quote at the beginning) and the "making of" documentary on the DVD. I would say that really means that the main character is addicted to the *adrenalin* rush of his job which happens to require a war situation and which he is really good at. Overall, it was a good movie.

Today, I have more laundry and vacuuming downstairs. And I hope to make some solid uninterrupted reading time. (fingers crossed)

Meme: Open the book you’re currently reading to page 161, and post the fifth sentence on the page:

..."Just a formality, of course, but we do have to show that we have some sort of guarantee." (The medicus Ruso has been borrowing money for various reasons and the overly-organized hospital administrator Priscus is forcing the issue into a situation that will bite him one day, I'm anticipating -- I also have other suspicians).

Have a lovely Sunday. I'm reading my blogs, emails, news and hopefully book for the rest of time. :)

Much love,

PK the Bookemonster

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