Friday, January 7, 2011

Did the week wear you down? Oh baby.

ALLLLL RIIIIIIGHHT! Say Yes to the Dress is on again tonight! New episodes! Wooot!

Got through the week. Busy busy busy ... of course. I'm glad it's Friday. I had lunch with Steve at Taco Bell which was very nice. I don't get to see him during the day because he's still in bed when I leave in the morning and he frequently has stuff going on during the weekend. And I was able to grab some packets of Verde sauce ... NUM!

Gotta be busy this weekend too: going to M&D's to type up doc and then work on the February issue of Premeditated.

Books. Oh how I wish I could talk more about books. I'm just plugging along in my reading. I'm enjoying THE 7 by Beck and Ablow. I'm halfway through the Bernard Knight. So much to read and so little time to actually do it in ... and still keep up with current events. I tell ya, we're drowing in information and leisure but can't take advantage of it sometimes.

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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