Monday, January 3, 2011

Waddaya mean I have to go again tomorrow?!? I already worked this week!

Currently reading THE ELIXIR OF DEATH by Bernard Knight. This is 10th of 14 in series featuring Sir John de Wolfe, the crowner (coroner), in 12th century Devon, England. Here is a description:

1195. Prince John still plots to seize the throne from his brother, Richard the Lionheart—and in his wicked schemes, he is supported by Philip of France. The French king offers to help John financially by sending him a mysterious alchemist, a Mohammedan named Nizam, who claims to be able to turn base materials into gold. But the ship that was transporting Nizam and his retainers is found wrecked off the south Devon coast, its crew savagely slaughtered. Shortly afterward, a Norman knight named Peter le Calve is foully murdered, his severed head stuck on the rood screen of Exeter cathedral. It’s up to Sir John de Wolfe, the county coroner, to find a motive and connection between the killings. And just what is his unscrupulous brother-in-law, the disgraced ex-sheriff and Prince John-sympathizer, Richard de Revelle, trying to hide?

It was published in 2006 and 268 pages.

It was the first day of the new quarter and because the phones at work (unemployment insurance) were going to be busy they required all CSRs in Billings and Helena be on the phones all day. And with anywhere between 30 and 50 people answering calls it was still honking crazy busy nonstop. My brain is burned out. I took over 40 calls. My personal work flow that I'm responsible for expanded hugely and up until now I've been able to keep it at about 15 items; today it is over 65. It's going to be a long week.

So tonight I'm doing a simple supper and going to read and then sleep. Maybe soak in the shower because I can feel tension in my neck and jaw. Uff da.

Systems shutting down....

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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