Thursday, December 8, 2011


Not a long post tonight. I've been having a battle of words on Facebook over the use of "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. There is controversy at the University of Connecticut because the Pledge is said before sports events and some .... people.... object. I had posted the article on Facebook and a couple friends have decided to debate the issue with me. While I don't mind discussions like this, I also dislike conflict to my core. I don't understand why it only takes one or two bullies who want to practice censorship on the majority ever gets power. Someone once said in a year we won't recognize our own country. I don't recognize it now. I'm afraid of what it will be next year.

And I'm sure someone will post a comment about the Muslims and how the US is against their beliefs. I vehemently disagree. It isn't Muslims -- it's extremists who use the beliefs of the Koran to justify the extermination of people who live and believe differently. I'm sure I'll have to go into that when the time comes to those who can't see beyond the sound bites fed to them by their keepers. Useful idiots, is the historical term. Look it up.

To end on a happier note, go look at this advent calendar: Of course, each day a new block of images is revealed.

And I'm spent. I'm going to finish up here and go read in bed.

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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