Friday, January 25, 2013




The weekend is here. Woot! The season four premiere of Spartacus starts tonight ... double woot! Man, I don't know. They've really impressed me two out of three times so I'm hopeful they can do it again. I do have to build up my callous to graphic violence and sex again. Uff da.

I'll also be watching Say Yes to the Dress. So how's that for contrast?

The usual stuff for the weekend is in store. I'd like to finish the Coulter book and move on to a hist myst. I miss my crimes thru time.

My boss was indicating that after we shift to the post lay off and there's just two of us in the collecting dept we will go to half hour lunches and get off at 4:30. I'm all for that!

Gotta say hi to the man.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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