Monday, November 23, 2009

Just give me the damn cookie

Soooo close to finished FEAR IN THE FOREST by Bernard Knight. Merely pages left until the end but events conspired against me during breaks today at work. So after I finish this post I WILL complete the book tonight.

Next up will probably be the next in series for me by Deborah Crombie since that is a library book.

Work was okay. I took 33 calls. I drink from pop and water all day to keep my throat lubricated but I think I may need to switch to warm/hot liquid to do a better job of it. Which means getting a better keep-hot cup or find a cup warmer and then another multi-plug doohicky because I've run out of open plugs. Can't lose the voice or mess with the vocal cords -- gotta keep this job. I spoke with one guy -- this was after 3 in the afternoon -- ask me how I could be so perky that late in the afternoon and that I had a great laugh. Wasn't that nice? And it was very nice being able to go home at 4:30 since my day started at 7:30.

So tomorrow at lunch break I need to go to Albertsons -- there's one just two blocks away from work -- and pick up a couple things missing from Thanksgiving and tomorrow night I need to vacuum again since there won't be time on Wednesday evening. I swear, my dog is the messiest critter... I'll vacuum on Saturday morning and by Saturday evening he's strewn his toys around and left dog cookie crumbs on the carpet.

A heard a local radio station today playing only Christmas music. Can we please at least get past Thanksgiving. There are houses in our neighborhood who have had their outdoor Christmas lights on for at least two weeks. And I saw a lighted Christmas tree in a window yesterday evening. Soon we'll have Christmas beginning at Labor Day, for heaven's sake. Oy. I like the holiday, don't get me wrong but let it be special during it's own time period. Steve told me that I think it was Best Buy that was open on Thanksgiving Day. That's pathetic. We're losing Thanksgiving, a holiday I'm rather fond of because the focus is on family gathering and good food not gift giving and receiving. Bah humbug and all that.

Did I tell you Steve and I watched the DVD Up on Saturday night. Excellent animation and a cute story, especially if you're a couple who's getting older and don't have kids. There were a few laugh out loud moments, too. We can't wait now to see the new Harry Potter film since we missed in the theater this summer because of my infection. December 8th is the release date and I plan to get it.

Speaking of release dates, next Tuesday, December 1st, I've got to hit the bookstore to pick up a couple new releases in paperback -- the new Maureen Ash and the Margaret Frazer -- yippee!!

Okay, I've got to be done now so I can finish my book. G'night!

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster


LadyPI said...

Another great photo - I love them!

Can you believe I heard a radio station playing Christmas music on November 2? Oh For Pete's Sake! December 2 is soon enough!

Have a nice Thanksgiving!

PK the Bookeemonster said...

Thanks, Lady!! There is an amazingly endless supply of funny animal photos out there -- or merely cute like the one for 11/24 -- and I just look for ones that strike my sense of humor. Sometimes I'm up for a clever title, sometimes not. But I find it fun. :)