Thursday, June 13, 2013

A simple, but true, philosophy

And Pee on All the Plants You Can

I finally finished the Jecks book. It was a good entry in the series, as always. So I'm looking at what's next to read. I have a few nonfiction books to which I need to turn my attention.

Steve went to the clinic yesterday, not strep; he's on meds. He says he feels better but probably overdid it yesterday and doesn't have much voice. He needs to think long term:  get better for this weekend's tournament he has to run and then leaving for convention.

For my psoriasis and weight, I'm looking into eating healthier but on a budget. Unfortunately, it is expensive to buy "healthy" food so I'm looking at what I can incorporate but I'm researching. My intuition is telling me this is the way to go. I'll keep ya posted. 

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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