Thursday, June 20, 2013

Can I get a "hell yeah"?

Wake Me Up on Friday

Steve is home from the convention. It was freaking windy last night and the airport was packed at 11:30pm. Seriously overcrowded with something like four planes at once had arrived. People were double parked all along the sidewalk at the entrances and the parking lot was filling up. Ugh. And if you're familiar with Billings' airport, it is ON TOP of the Rims so there was no wind break whatsoever. But he's home. Still recuperating from his illness, still has a nasty cough but that will probably take a while to get completely rid of and it is good that he's in his own bed again and can get some good sleep.  I'm recommending that he do nothing this weekend (though if he offered to mow....).

Late to bed last night, early to rise to walk dogs but then back to bed for a bit. No way I could function at work on 4 1/2 hours of sleep. 

Tonight I'm hoping to get some reading done, nothing on TV. I need to finish the Robertson book and move on to the Trent.

Week one and I've been completely loyal to my low/no carb diet. Making a lifestyle change. It's basically a protein (meat or eggs) and either fruit or veggie (or both). Drinking lots of water, slightly flavored with Crystal Light Lemonade but not much. Determined, I am.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemosnter

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