Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Day After

I went to the library today. Of course I went to the library today; I haven't been there yet this week and it is a rare week that I don't go visit the books in that building. It's just a book addict getting her fix of being around thousands of books even though they don't belong to her but SHE CAN CHECK THEM ALL OUT bwa ahahahaa! Actually, I had to return a few and checked out only a couple -- I'm currently in a history/political commentary mood so my choices reflected that. A for instance, I picked up TEAM OF RIVALS by Goodwin. I'm more into the Founding Fathers and the American Revolution in terms of US history (and in particular find US Civil War history to be boring but that's just me and probably the topic was done to death in school) but you just can't get away from this book so I'm looking at it.

I've kinda set aside the histmyst I was reading. I've figured out, I think, the whodunnit part and getting bogged down so it's time to move on. Currently reading BLUNT DARTS by Jeremiah Healy, the first of his Cuddy private eye series. I believe this was published in 1984. Here's a description:
The novel that introduces Cuddy, as he’s asked to search for the missing son of a suburban-Boston judge when the pillar of the community doesn’t seem to want his own child returned to him.

The author's website can be found at This series has always been listed as a favorite of mystery readers and I've read a couple under his pseudonym. It's quick reading.

I also had to run the errand of birthday gift shopping. Steve's niece is turning one year old the first day of February and his parents are driving down there tomorrow for a visit so there was a time element at play. I got her a stuffed critter from Gainans -- a supersoft pink unicorn. I liked the blue elephant better but figured that might not go over well with the adults because there are rules to be followed. :) Alice and Buford won't be there the actual day of the birthday which makes me glad. I remember talking to a friend of mine last year who had her first daughter and how invasive her in-laws were with every event. The grandparents wanted to BE THERE for everything for their first grandchild but Renee was saying this is my first daughter and this is our family and we want to make our memories. You HAD your time as a mother, let me have mine. So when the Madsens said they were going down there I had to bite my tongue about anything like that. I don't know if Carey's parents will be visiting during the time. I think they live in Palm Springs now though they've kept their house in Denver.

I've been listening to Glenn Beck a little today; hoo boy he's on a tear! Sometimes, he's just a crazy man.

Today's Blog/Website of the Day is for mystery magazine Deadly Pleasures found at Right now they're offering an online sample of one of their issues for you to check out. Personally, I subscribe to three mystery-specific magazines: Deadly Pleasures, Mystery News, and Mystery Readers Journal. These genre mags are good ways to tap in to what is out there to read and includes interviews, features, reviews, etc.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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