Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sooo, I don't know what happened yesterday in which I didn't do a post. Around the time that I was going to do it in late afternoon/early evening, Steve was wanting share his day and then somehow time got away.

I got the foundation of December's issue done yesterday so today is going back and filling in blanks. This month has fewer releases, around 50, than previous months. Probably because of the holiday (?). I know there's only one new release that I myself am interested in (Margaret Frazer's A PLAY OF PIETY).

The Steelers play at 11 this morning so I'm sure Steve will be watching. I'll be walking Tug here pretty quick even though it's only negative two degrees out. It has stopped snowing after 7 inches but now the clouds have moved out and cold has moved in. I didn't even go get a newspaper this morning per our usual Sunday morning habit. I really don't want to go out there today so I'm trying to think of how to make his walk short but still count. Brrrr.

I've been reading BROKE in spare moments, and it has been interesting to read about the how the concept of "thrift" has changed from 200 years ago until right after WWII. It used to be a virtue to be thrifty (frugal) and now the concept has been converted to mean stingy. The virtue of thriftiness meant that you had enough money to be independent -- to do what you wanted and to be free of other pressures due to owing someone/thing else. Also interesting is the parallel to previous civilizations that have collapsed basically due to an oversized bureaucracy and the supporting of it through taxes bigger than the population who pays those taxes. (Rome, Spain, Greece). The book has a lot of meaningful things to say.

So. There it is. Laundry, walk Tug, December issue, football, reading, get caught up on news/blogs/emails, something for dinner, Psychic Kids, and then face another Monday. :)

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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