Sunday, March 20, 2011

Strike a, yes, I guess you can wear a helmet...

I'm just going to be working on my newsletter today and doing laundry. I may be reading BURY YOUR DEAD by Louise Penny now. I've started it but not sure if I'm committed to it. I've had it on my Kindle for a few months now. Maybe it's time.

I didn't get to see the Super Moon last night because it was so overcast. Ah well.

I tried to walk yesterday but had I guess a little anxiety attack and had to return home. I may have to walk in places other than the neighborhood for a while.

Nothing on tv for me that I recall. While working on the newsletter yesterday I played a few Netflix things, Romeo and Juliet, Gosford Park, the first season of Bones.

Gotta keep moving.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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