Saturday, September 10, 2011

Never forget ... and do something

After watching Say Yes to the Dress last night and doing dishes, I went back downstairs with the intent to browse through two books I picked up from the library and maybe snuggle with Steve. But Steve had left to play on the computer. This, however, left me in control of the remote. I landed on a Fox News' 9/11 doc. It was shown without commercials and was a telling of the events of that day in images and sounds and narratives from survivors, first responders and witnesses. I teared up a few times. It ended at 9. Then I channel surfed until I hit another 9/11 special on CNN called something like Voices of 9/11. I stayed there because when I landed they had the same two gentlemen from the other show, two men who had survived from the 84th floor of the first tower, and I was interested in seeing if their story stayed the same because this was obviously a more recent accounting as they had obviously aged ten years later. Their stories: in the earlier recordings of their experiences it was more emotional and with the latter it had more story-telling detail but basically the same story. Then ....

And then.

This is on CNN mind you. Cindy Sheehan was shown talking about her experiences of 9/11. And at first I didn't recognize her for who she was. I was assuming at first that she was a survivor or witness and somehow I was familiar with her that way. No. This is the ACTIVIST MOTHER Cindy Sheehan who had really NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. She was speaking: "I knew my son would die because of 9/11. He was on lock down at a base in Texas on that day and I couldn't get in touch with him ..." And then I realized who she was. And I got angry. What the hell did she have to say about anything about that day other than she saw it on TV like the rest of the country? What the hell ... why do I even ask why... why (main stream, liberal biased) CNN would associate her, the activist, anti-Bush, anti-Iraqi war activist who so grieved her son's death that she became an outspoken and -- sorry to say -- ultimately USED activist, why would CNN associate her with a documentary about what happened on 9/11. Of course they had an agenda. As always. But I was disgusted and angry and walked away.

How DARE anyone politicize the commemorative that way? And HOW DARE New York City's mayor NOT INVITE the cops and firefighters to their commemorative tomorrow? Because there's "not enough room" in New York. (
read about it here) And HOW DARE a college in Ohio say a scheduled vigil that had 3000 American flags commemorating the lost lives of that day would not be allowed unless it also included flags from the other countries too? As a student in the articles says, "It was an attack on AMERICANS, AMERICAN ideals, AMERICAN capitalism, defense, and freedom." (read about it here).

What has happened to our country? What has happened to our values? Why have we allowed the Progressives (and they are on both the Left and the Right) to rule our lives? Why have we allowed "social justice" and political correctness" to become more important than freedom and integrity and personal responsibility? Why have we let 535 people (and all the associated garbage of lobbyists and special interests) be in charge of what we can do and say?

With the freedoms we have in this republic comes responsibility and vigilance. And we haven't been doing that for the past few decades and look where we are now. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP. As some ego maniacal elected official once said "We are the people we have been waiting for." And this is true, though not in the way that he meant it. For the progressives, they want idiot followers who don't think for themselves and don't pay attention to what's really going on. They've been doing this for decades themselves and don't want people to wake up. But it is time to wake up and not be afraid anymore. Don't assume that somehow it will all work out and that someone else will do it. Don't delegate your responsibilities anymore to people who only care about their own interests and who lie to you day after day. Schools from K through College are teaching our kids to hate America and Capitalism and to be victims of welfare from birth to death. Our government is creating debt beyond recovery and like addicts asking for more. They pass the buck and kick the bucket of responsibility down the road. Well, it's here now.

What can we do? Stop giving them power. That starts with the mainstream media -- have you seen anything about the union rioting and doing extensive damage in Washington state this week? This was on WEDNESDAY. (read about it here). Nothing in the main stream media. Why? Because they have an agenda. PBS altered the transcript of the President's speech to cover a gaffe he made (read about it here). Why? Because they have an agenda. They've fixed it now but are deleting the comments that mention it.

There is a long-planned, organized, orchestrated effort to fundamentally change our country and they are gaining power. They are close to making it happen. So. Do your own homework. Get your news from other sources. Read. Ask questions. Insist that those who have been elected and supposedly representing us to stop spending. Remind them a lot. We have so many ways now to be heard: the internet is a place to start. Pay attention to what is really going on. Elect representatives who will get the hard work done, people who put these goals in front of being popular and electable.

And then tell others do all this. Folks, we can't go back to sleep anymore and hope it's going to be okay. It won't be okay unless we do something about it ourselves.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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