Thursday, September 8, 2011

Where were you?

Didn't get the post done last night. I rushed home to walk the boys and then watch the debate at 6. Impressions from the debate:
  • It was the Romney/Perry show. They both got a lot of air time.
  • I still don't like Romney. But I'm afraid it is going to happen anyway.
  • Rick Santorum has great values and ideas but needs more seasoning. He should get a governorship under his belt and then run again after 8 years.
  • Michelle Bachman -- doesn't really have much to offer that the others don't. I'm thinking having executive experience really counts. She also should get a governor job first.
  • Ron Paul is still a whack job. Popular, but not someone I'd want his hands on the big wheel.
  • Newt Gingrich was cantankerous per usual but he would make do better in a cabinet position.
  • Herman Cain -- whenever he got a chance to answer something (not much) he almost always had an action solution not just rhetoric. Wish he had a chance.
  • Jon Huntsman -- did better than last debate, he had an excellent piece in the WSJ on Monday, but he still comes across as weak to me.
Eight is too many to have try to answer questions. They are left standing for long periods of time doing nothing but listen. So the Presidential slot is open. The VP slot is a given: Marco Rubio. Gotta get ready for work and slog through another day. Tonight: NFL opener vs presidential speech saying the same ol' same ol'. Much love, PK the Bookeemonster

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