Friday, September 23, 2011


I just did a complete post and then lost it. I'm too tired to do the whole thing over.
I watched the debate last night. I've decided who I'm for. Perry is done for me because of his immigration stance, Romney never had me but he lied about not taking out info about his Romneycare in the hardback to paperback. Smarmy and a liar. Done.
A kid came back last night asking if he could cut our lawn. He looked to be about junior high age. Our mower is currently in the shop and we like to encourage entrepenurial enterprises so he's going to cut our front and side lawn tomorrow morning. When asked how much he'd charge he said $5. We settled on $10 and we'll actually give him $20. Good for him!
Tonight, since it is so blinking hot, we're going to have sandwiches and chips for dinner while watching Say Yes to the Dress if it's a new episode.
Lots to do this weekend, mostly the newsletter.
Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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