Sunday, January 5, 2014

Unlike the East Coast, Montanans suck it up.

Coooollllld. Negative temps and nasty wind. But tomorrow we're supposed to get to about 28.

Reading, laundry, Veronica Mars, napping, dinner (meatloaf), Downton Abbey. That's my Sunday.

Here's something funny I came across:

The Different Types of Readers

Spending time in a book reading community means you get to categorize some of the reviewers/readers after a while. Don't get me wrong, I love y'all! But everyone has a different approach to reading.

   And now, I'll attempt to categorize YOU! (be scared.)

Type A: The Fast Reader, aka, the swag master.

Strength: When faced with a pile of ARCs that will expire, the swag master is able to devour all of them within a week. The swag master puts reading first, and everything else second.

Weakness: The swag master most likely walks with an empty wallet, because they consume books faster than most.

Type B: The Slow Reader, aka, the chill pill. 

Strength: Taking
 a lot of time reading a book means they are able to fully analyze the itty bitty details. They'll read sentences over and over again just because they liked them. They don't give a fuck about their reading schedule because friend... they are da chill pill! 

Weakness: Don't lend them your books. Dear god don't EVER LEND THEM YOUR BOOKS! 

Type C: The Know It All, aka, the hermoine granger. 

Strength: The hermoine granger is able to both read a book quickly AND fully analyze it, writing a constructive review that leaves you somewhat suicidal envious. 

Weakness: I don't know man. I mean they're just so goddamn good at what they do. Ugh.. stupid perfect readers! 

Type D: The Compulsive Buyer, aka, the bookish Paris Hilton. 

Strength: They have a book shelf you'd die for. 

Weakness: They've only read 10% of said bookshelf. 

Type E: The Emotional Reader, aka, the bookish drama queen. 

Strength:  They probably enjoy the reading experience more than anyone, because they become ridiculously invested in the story. 

Weakness: Their book hangovers extend to days, if not weeks. 

Type F: The Hard to Please Reader, aka, authors' worst nightmare. 

Strength: They get to write the best ranty reviews (which let's admit, we ALL enjoy). 

Weakness: When they do find that book that pleases them, they will NEVER stop talking about it. Matter of fact, they become so in love with said book, they slowly mutate into becoming a clone of it. (Yes, they become a bunch of papers in a pretty cover. I've seen it happen, OK?)

Type G: The Cover Lover, aka, all of us. (Don't deny it.)

Strength: They don't care about yo' blurb, or yo' author. All they care about is pretty ass cover of yours and dat pretty ass font that comes with it.

Weakness: They come across some shitty books with good covers, and miss out on some good yet ugly ones.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster 

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