Friday, October 31, 2008

Just a day off...

I almost forgot to do this tonight. Happy Halloween. I don't know what was going on in our neighborhood, but last year we had over 30 at least but tonight I only had 8 trick or treaters and only three were little kids. Those little kids came to the door at quarter to 8 -- at 20 after 8 I turned off the light. Ten minutes later I was looking out the window and a trailer decorated with orange lights went down our street loaded with kids. They probably would have come to the door if the light had been on but I think 8:30 is too late to be out trick or treating so I'm not feeling too badly about missing them.

I've been watching the live tv of Ghost Hunters. There was early on a very distinctive voice saying "You're not supposed to be here." Twice. Unexplainable as of yet. And just now they caught on thermal Grant's collar being pulled and you could see it -- not heat but the pulling.

I didn't have a very productive day, however I did pay some bills and emailed someone regarding a job application (not available anymore, unfortunately). I did watch a movie -- that sounds like such a waste of time but I decided to let myself off the guilt hook and do something fun because I was feeling down again. I'm going to have to muscle through that emotional stuff.

I watched Nim's Island -- very family oriented. Jodie Foster, Abigail whosywhatsit, and Gerard Butler (hoo boy, I love that man). It was silly and squeaky clean and I did enjoy it. I've always admired Jody Foster and I think Gerard Butler is just a fine man.

Then I took Tug for a walk. After that, I went to M&Ds to visit with them and Lisa and Scott. So not a bad day really all around. I finished the Alys Clare last night so I'm ready for something new. Somehow the Clare series just doesn't have the histmyst heft I like best but I will probably still continue with reading it.

Tomorrow I'm going to go to the library to pick up a couple holds: TRIGGER CITY by Sean Chercover (2nd in a good series) and the newest CS Harris histmyst which ended on a cliff hanger so I'm definitely looking forward to those. After that I'll be heading back to M&D's.

Maybe I'll get a chance to post tomorrow but I'll have to play it by ear.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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