Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Day/Deborah Crombie

I got the second AF letter mailing out today. It's off my list now. Phew. The office has been really warm the past couple days with the heater going full blast (and we have no control over it's operation) so I've had the window open most of the day to try to balance it out.

Tonight I have the debates to watch and I'll be taping America's Next Top Model so I can watch it afterward.

Steve is shooting tonight so I'll be walking Tug and doing dinner and tv alone. I don't know yet what to have.

I'm still reading ALL SHALL BE WELL by Deborah Crombie. I'm halfway through if I remember right. The link to her official website is She has a blog on the site but it looks like it hasn't been updated since July of this year. What surprises people the most about her is that she writes about UK police investigations when she is actually an American, a Texan to be more exact. Though why that is surprising should be surprising because anyone can write about anywhere, any time, etc., with the right amount of research, for goodness sake. She's been nominated for several mystery awards including the Edgar and won the Macavity in 1997.

She has a wikipedia page which can be found here:, so I'm assuming that's the *unofficial* information. And her publisher webpage is here: . It lists her books with a nice feature of being able to browse inside all of them.

I don't know in which book it happens but I know that Kincaid and Gemma hook up. I have mixed feelings about that. In general, I prefer a professonalism in police procedurals and I don't think that every man and woman are attracted to each other as so often happens in books, tv, and movies. I mean, look at what happened to Moonlighting after Dave and Maddy finally did it. It killed the story. I don't know yet if this occurance weakens the Crombie books or not. How can they work together? They can't; that is one of the givens in the story's world and it gets taken away. Not smart. It would be like Ben and Diane in Stephen Booth's books getting it on together; destroys the premise of the world. In this one, the second in the series, you can kind of get an inkling for what may happen and cringe a little. He's starting to notice her as a person with golden/red hair and not just a sargeant assigned to him. Ah well.

I don't know if I'll have a chance to read tonight after tv watching. Maybe a little. :)

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

PS. I probably shouldn't write my entries in the late afternoon. I'm so brain dead that I can't think of anything entertaining to write.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I'm another person who prefers that the lead characters do NOT get romantically involved, so I was uneasy starting this series. I'm halfway through the series now, and it's one of my favorites. Crombie handles the romance extremely well because I'm very comfortable with it. I hope you have the same reaction!