Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hot day

Today's Blog/Website of the Day is Something Wicked found at http://wickedauthors.blogspot.com/. This is a mystery author coop site featuring Angie Fox, Ann Aguirre, Casey Daniels, Jess Granger, Lori Devoti, and Shirley Damsgaard.

I'm about halfway through the Susanna Gregory histmyst. Really enjoying it.

A question frequently asked of historical authors is: "If you could travel back in time to observe (but NOT meddle with) history, where/when would you go?" I'm not an author but of course love historical novels and historical mysteries. Where would I wish to go to observe (limiting to 5 to put some boundary on it)?

  • I have a great love of the Tudors. I've always wondered what Anne Boleyn would be like in the flesh to have so captured Henry.

  • I have a great love of theatre and would like to see the operations of Shakespeare's world.

  • I've always loved Greece in the golden age of the 5th century B.C.

  • I would love to stroll in the greatest library of the world, Alexandria.

  • I'd love to observe the intellectual debates going on at the founding of the US.

Wouldn't that be great? I have others like the crusades and Henry and Eleanor of Aquitaine and ....

Not much going on. Lab today; the I.D. doctor tomorrow. It's gotten back to summer here with temps in the mid-90s. Tug came home from his walk last night smelling just horrendous -- like a cow barn. He jumped in the ditch and who knows what they drained in there but we do live on the outskirts of town in agricultural land so it could have been a cow barn. Oy it was bad. So Steve hosed him down outside but it didn't help so we tried to give him a bath. Picture an 140-pound dog NOT wanting a bath and two struggling adults in a tub/shower space attempting to shampoo and rinse. He smelled better but there is still a whiff of yuck there. I think Steve will keep him out of that tonight as much as Tug will want to cool off in them. The poor baby. Right now he's dozing in front of the fan -- his favorite place.

Stay cool ....

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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