Saturday, August 29, 2009

Weekly Geeks: One Title/Author Collection

Weekly Geeksters, tell us, do you have a collection, (or are you starting a collection,) of one particular book title? If so, what's your story? Why that book, and how many do you have, and what editions are they? Share pictures and give us all the details.
Or perhaps you dream about starting such a collection. What title would it be and what would it take for you to get motivated to start collecting? Or maybe it's the works of a particular author you collect (or want to collect) instead a certain book title?


I haven't set out to collect one book, nor do I want to own all available editions of this/these books but I seem to have a passion for and perhaps more than one copy of Virginia Woolf's A ROOM OF ONE'S OWN. I prefer Woolf's essays over her fiction. Her mind and thought process is so clear in this book. I remember reading about or seeing a clip of a one woman show performing this book. Amazing and clever, that. I've recommended this to friends and those who read it, love it. It's not a big book by any means, just lots of wonderful concepts. I think I have two or three of this one. I also have a copy of THREE GUINEAS.

Another book that I seem to feel the need to own more than once is Josephine Tey's A DAUGHTER OF TIME. Again, even though this is a work of fiction, I love the unfolding of the investigation of the slam against Richard III's reputation and perhaps his vindication.

If I were to set out to build a collection, I think I would attempt to build the best historical mystery collection ever assembled. Of course, this could be completely subjective of the authors I liked rather than ALL the historical mysteries/series EVER published. That would be too large an undertaking. I would begin with Ellis Peters. It would include CJ Sansom, Alan Gordon, Margaret Frazer, Stephen Martin, Ariana Franklin ...

If I were put together one of ALL historical mysteries -- and having a large long library room in order to hold all the books -- it would be interesting to do it by historical era rather than alphabetical.
Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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