Saturday, May 19, 2012

Somebody just has to be different

 Busy day. I walked the dogs at 6am. Went early to pick up my Bountiful Basket load and wound up volunteering loading the baskets and then hauling baskets to picker-uppers (worked up a sweat). Then Steve needed help with his landscaping project at the gun range -- someone to help with sighting  -- and then we hauled the dead part of our bush in front of the house out. I got done at 3. It's been a while since I've stood as long as I did on the range so my feet were aching. And my neck and shoulder area are sunburned.

I quickly vacuumed upstairs and then laid down for an hour and I woke up just in time to see the Derby winner, I'll Have Another, win the Preakness!  A potential Triple Crown horse here! Woot!

Here's my Bountiful Basked haul:

5 ears of corn
6 Vidalia onions
4 green peppers
5 tomatoes (not ripe yet)
1 cucumber
2 cauliflower heads
7 carrots
a bunch of bananas
2 lemons
1 melon (looks like honeydew)
2 pears (red)
1 container of blackberries
11 kumquats (I think)

For $15. Actually, this was my first time so I paid an additional $3.50 for getting registered. Still, quite a haul.

Tonight we're having taco salad for dinner. Looks like Cops isn't on TV again so the options are open as to what we'll do.

I've got to move some laundry around. Have a good rest of your Saturday!

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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