Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday of Relaxation

Hey I'm down in my office this morning! My horizons are expanding .... :) It's a bit messy in here but it's good be around my other bookcases. I have a huge very comfy recliner in here that will be put to use in a bit. On my office computer are other bookmarks of websites/blogs I like visit so I've been checking in on things I haven't been able to previously. A whole new adventure, I tell ya.

I did finish TO KILL OR CURE last night so now I'm on the prowl for the next to be devoured, er, read. I don't know yet. I may peruse the shelves down here for some inspiration or something completely different. It's not like I don't have much to choose from actually.

Today's Blog/Website of the Day is Book Fanatic found at Just a nice little site.

Gotta remember tonight on tv is the Masterpiece Theater Agatha Christie with Matthew Macfadyen to watch. Prior to that will be the newest ep in The Next Food Network Star competition which is silly but fun to watch the mayhem/suffering. They gotta want it bad to go through what they do.

Last night I sat on the deck with a blanket (a storm blew through and cooled things off a lot) to watch some fireworks in the neighborhood. Isn't it amazing how now there are such big boomers available to just anybody? I mean BIG stuff, the mortars and multiple explosion stuff. And these people have purchased so much -- for it went on and on until after midnight. I call it burning money but I did enjoy the spectacle myself. After a while it got less interesting so I went inside to read for a bit and wore my ipod to tune things out when I wanted to sleep. This was about the perfect 4th of July being on a Saturday. I've always thought that people should have the 5th off from work when it falls during the week because of the lateness of the big events and then having to get up so early for work or whatever the next day. This year, one could stay up late and sleep in late if one wanted.

Not much else happening. I don't know yet what to have for dinner, maybe something with chicken but nothing is appealing to me right now. Steve is still sleeping but I'm hoping he'll walk Tug before it gets too hot and cranky out and then maybe mow the lawn. Laundry is done so maybe I can do some vacuuming later but I'll play that by ear.

Have a lovely Sunday, everyone.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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