Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ok, that's just wrong

I'm currently reading THE TEHRAN INITIATIVE by Joel C Rosenberg. This continues the story started in THE TWELFTH IMAM. Here is a summary:

The world is on the brink of disaster. Iran has just conducted its first atomic weapons test. Millions of Muslims around the world are convinced their messiah—known as the Twelfth Imam—has arrived on earth. Israeli leaders fear Tehran, under the Twelfth Imam’s spell, will soon launch a nuclear attack that could bring about a second Holocaust and the annihilation of Israel. The White House fears Jerusalem will strike first, launching a massive preemptive attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities that could cause the entire Middle East to go up in flames, oil prices to skyrocket, and the global economy to collapse. With the stakes high and few viable options left, the president of the United States orders CIA operative David Shirazi and his team to track down and sabotage Iran’s nuclear warheads before Iran or Israel can launch a devastating first strike. But will they be too late?

It was just published this week and has 480 pages. I describe this as continuing a story rather than sequel or second in series because the first book really seemed to stop and this one goes on.

Pretty productive day: I cleaned out a ton of books from my shelves (and that was only A through H of the alphabet!) and I have another 10 books to ship out this week via Those two bookshelves now look much better now and makes me happy to look at them.

The boys got me up before dark was done (sigh). But I took them for a walk this morning and again this afternoon. Last night I got the urge to sing along with Jesus Christ Superstar and did the dishes, got the microwave cleaned, as well as the front of the fridge and the dogs' waterdish. Today I've done the usual laundry of bedding and towels, vacuumed upstairs and the stairs.

Cops isn't on tonight and Strike Back will only have one of the two episode cycle available so I'm not sure what we'll watch tonight. For dinner, I am going to try making homemade nachos like we get from CJ's.

A rather nice day, actually.

Much love,

PK the Bookeemonster

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