Friday, December 14, 2012


It's after 10pm. I'm tired, worn out, but wired.

What a day. The horrific violence. This is what I posted to Facebook to those knee-jerk reactors:

Guys, what happened today was beyond horrendous but put the blame in the right place. A MURDERER committed heinous crimes because he was psychotic. Look at the news, in China, 22 children were slashed today at an elementary school. How many more people are killed by drunk drivers in this country? Outlaw knives? Cars? Because **criminals** abuse the use of them? Address the problem: a culture that glorifies and celebrates violence in movies and rap songs and just about everything else these days. MOST people exist responsibly. We don't have a gun problem; you're never told how many times having a gun saved women from being attacked and raped or prevented someone from entering a house with a family inside. What we have is a violent culture problem. Jamie Foxx "jokes" that in his movie he gets to kill all the white people and isn't that great. Even on television you see things today that you wouldn't have ten years ago. Our society has desensitized violence and devalued life in the younger generation. They seek to be famous and know that this is one way to do it. Be angry at that asshole who, instead of taking his own life, chose to take 27 others with him including his mother and innocent children.

And still others were making fun of a commentator asking where God was and they were bashing Christianity.  Here was my response to that:

Re God and Christianity: I don't care what you call it, God, Allah, The Universe, my heart, karma, spirit .... value of life and consequences for one's actions are missing from our culture that is frequently found in some kind of spiritual belief. I don't care if you believe in something or don't because that is free will and your choice --- but bullying Christianity or any religious belief ... is wrong and doesn't make you one of the cool kids.

 There's going to be a lot of high emotions and scapegoating because of this mass murder. Just watch.

At work today, we shut things down at 11:15 for a Christmas party. We got PTO time for it ... Woot! We then headed over to Tiny's. Then I went to the library to pick up a hold, then to Petsmart and Walmart. Put the groceries away and then took boys for quick run. Uff da. 

Tomorrow I have to run a quick errand but I need to focus on cleaning some main traffic rooms because we'll be having Steve's parents over for dinner on Christmas. Beyond that, we'll see what I can accomplish. 

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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