Sunday, December 2, 2012

No I can't curl my tongue like that!

I walked the dogs this morning and it wasn't really that cold out but today has been overcast and LOOKS cold.

I picked up an RT Book Reviews mag yesterday while at B&N and was reading it last night. The emphasis is romantic novels but they do other genres as well. It is so nice/fun/refreshing to see so many books out there and the level of creativity, for the most part. The magazine has an amazing ability to catagorize the genres into sub-genres and it all makes sense and readable.  It makes me want to read more and more. :) But I must realize my time limitations and realize this isn't possible.

I've spent a lot of time on the Internet today. Reading news and opinions, culling the websites for items for my current events posts. The boys have been sleeping nearby, Coda in the space underneath my desk -- he loves caves -- and Ryker behind me in the space behind the Lazy-boy and bookcase.

I'm making meatloaf tonight. I've been meaning to do it a couple Sundays now -- I like to do something more time consuming dinner-wise on Sundays because I have more time to do it -- but other things have jumped the queue. We'll have cheesy broccoli rice with it. My main reason for meatloaf is to have leftovers for lunches in the week. 

We have The Walking Dead to watch tonight; it's the mid-season finale. The Cowboys play tonight but I'm not sure I'm up for watching and being disappointed. Again. PBS is doing a repeat of Downton Abbey's second season but it probably won't be a good way to utilize my time. I should read.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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