Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Work: working on a Sample Foundation grant package that we'd like to get in tomorrow. Then I need to make some calls regarding the opening night breakfast for SACs and the after-concert reception. And the PVP annual report is coming due.

Reading: About to finish THE MERLOT MURDERS by Ellen Crosby. I'm a little worried that the protagonist becoming a little too much the heroine in distress, i.e, too many close encounters of the being-pushed-down-the-stairs type. I picked up the new Elizabeth Peters' Vicky Bliss, THE LAUGHTER OF KINGS. Happy happy

TV: Oh boy, more of the DNC convention. I have so much to read but this is spectacle you can't miss!

Not much outstanding going on to talk about since I've put the kabosh on any political talk. I've been able to listen to the radio today so that's good. Picked up tomatoes from M&D this morning on the the way to work because they are being overrun. Will walk the dog when I get home and I think we're having fish tonight with some kind of potatoes. Steve went in this morning to get his lab work done so that's of his TO DO list at last. Sounds like some Madsens are coming to town so there will be some kind of get together this weekend. (sigh) It's Tuesday and still some time to go until the weekend.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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