Thursday, August 28, 2008


I am thinking that perhaps the continued problem with my eye may not be infection-oriented. I did have infection last week but the irritation I'm experiencing now I'm wondering if it is perhaps a scratch or some such thing that has made it sensitive. When I put the drops in, it turns red. It feels more like a constant eyelash poking me but I can't find one. I'm sensitive to the wind -- it's been really gusty here the last couple days -- and after coming inside from being out in it, they're irritated. Last night after walking Tug, I put a cold compress on and I think I avoided the itchiness. And at work they get tired and irritated because they are staring at a screen all day with no closed-eye time. So this is my theory: Not infection now but some kind of minor damage that just needs time to heal. So I'm experimenting today: I didn't use the drops and I'm not wearing makeup through the long weekend. Maybe that's all that needs to happen. Worth a shot, eh?

TV: Watched the convention last night and tonight of course is the big speech. I think these things need to be reduced to three nights from four -- it's getting a bit draggy now and my attention is saying "Enough already!" Even if it was the side I'm on, it's a bit long. Last night I think everyone did well, I was just sad for Biden that Obama walked on and pretty much stole any short golden moment that he was due was taken away -- VPs don't get that many. You know, the time afterward when he had his family on stage with him. Ah well, such is politics.

Work: Most of the office focus today is getting the playbill finalized to get to the printers -- deadline day is here. So my job is to be helpful but stay out of the way otherwise. Low key. I have letters and the PVP annual report to work on. Mostly, just getting through the day.

Reading: Didn't get much done last night. I watched tv and then Steve got home from shooting and there was no reading after that.

Steve was having a low sugar episode again last night when he got home. He gets really goofy and playful-ish in an evading kind of way so it is hard to get information from him and convince him that I need to get him some juice or something. But he was clammy/sweaty so I knew that it was real. I finally shoved M&Ms in his mouth by the handful and made him an english muffin. It is happening more frequently on Wednesdays after shooting. I figure it is because he has to eat earlier in the evening by two hours to get to the range on time. He said he had sunflower seeds but that must not be substantial enough to get him through the evening. So, this is good to know.

Back to reading: I'm watching the library website today. I'm thinking I'll have to pick up some stuff probably by the end of the day. I'm being deluged by all that I need/want to read. It's a good thing but not, if you know what I mean. The time I have to actually read is less than two hours a day, sometimes only one. I need better time management.

What's on my immediate TBR? I have 15 books out from the library but these two are probably topping the list:

BOUND TOGETHER: how traders, preachers, adventurers, and warriors shaped globalization by Chanda, Nayan. Yes, it’s nonfiction but I like learning the history of things and to be able to speak knowledgeably

A FOREIGN AFFAIR by Caro Peacock. A debut hystmyst set in early Victorian England. I’ll give it a shot.

TBRs of my own that I'd like to get to are numerous but calling me more are the Asa Larsson and Michael Jecks from my nightstand. In bookshelves are Susanna Gregory, JT Ellison, Rankin, Kerr, Saylor, etc.
And then there will be more from the library. AAAAAAAAAGHHHHH!

So just plugging along, per usual. Ah life.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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