Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday 080308

It's Sunday and I'm apparently trying to get a cold. I woke up all stuffy and I'm feeling sinus-y and run down. I will take it easy -- okay, even easier than usual -- today. Have to run to M&D's in a bit and I need to talk to Erik. I have to do clothes laundry and I should vacuum the upper stairs (I hate that the worst hence I don't do it often enough).

We went to see The Dark Knight last night. A very dark and complex storyline and I approve most heartily. Yes, Heath Ledger did well as everyone says although with the build up I was expecting a little more but that's my expectations of acting. I will probably be nailed for this but Brad Pitt did a better job of playing "crazy" in Twelve Monkeys. (ooh a Terry Gilliam film fest would be good - Brazil, Twelve Monkeys, and I suppose Fisher King or Munchausen). A very good write up by people far more knowledgeable about film of it's morality and cinematography is on There was so much going on it is difficult to know where to begin. I've been a fan of Gary Oldman's for over 20 years; he is just a wonderful actor. Christian Bale has been a great actor since he was a kid first in Empire of the Sun. Michael Caine is so subtle and gets all the best lines. Morgan Freeman is understatement personified. Storywise, a character had to die because of the previous actor's real life situation was interfering so I wasn't surprised there. The believability of Harvey Dent's injury pushed it too far; I have to throw the flag on that one. No way could that have transpired the way it did. I think my favorite scene was really almost a throw-away: when Bruce saves the life of the guy who was going to out him by throwing his Lamborghini between the two vehicles and the exchange of looks between them, saying yeah, see, I saved your life, dude. I would like to see this film again, probably on DVD, to pick up more things from it. This first viewing was to get the overall story and impressions. I hope the DVD has commentaries. Love those. One thing of note is that a whole heckuva lot of violence against people was done offscreen. You knew what happened but never actually saw it. The most direct violence I remember seeing was Eric Robert's character pushed out the window and seeing his legs break and when Batman beat up The Joker in the jail.

TV: Oh so much all at the same time. Football!! Yes, exhibition but it's football! And the finale of HGTV's Design Star; must watch that.

Reading: Not much done yesterday so not worth writing about.

I should take some herbals to work on this cold. Napping, maybe movie or reading, that's it. Dinner needs to be ready by 6 in time for football. I wonder what we should have? Something easy. It won't happen but it would be nice to order a pizza and have it delivered.

More later if I feel up to it.

Update: Well I've napped for a couple hours and still feel no energy and run down. And my nose runs and I sneeze. I've been sneezing for three days now so I'm getting used to it. I hate colds. I took some more herbals and some vitamins a little bit ago. Steve was a love and walked Tug. At least today he is feeling useful. I finished FINAL THEORY by Mark Alpert. It was alright. Very thriller-ish which isn't a bad thing but not really what I was in the mood for ultimately. It did have interesting stuff about Einstein's Unified Field Theory. Next I'll figure which of the two 14-day library books catches my attention. Right now I'm waiting for the timer to go off so I'm reading emails and checking out blogs.

Much love,
PK the Bookeemonster

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